all the day and all of the night.
let's twist again, like we did last summer.
Oh holi macaroni. Is this the next year's halloween dress or what?
there must be fifty ways that lovers have left me.

Okay. Here's the thing. Flight of the Conchords is one of my favorites tv-shows. I think you've got to be a little bit crazy and weird to like the show. Ah, it's wonderful. Well, anyway, look at this t-shirt I found. Cool or what?
let's take a walk in the park!
Oh my god. I've got Mary Quant cravings. You understand why?

cute video
got milk? by the way.. vart tog de där glasflaskorna med mjölk vägen? de var ju jättefina. och tänk vad mysigt att få en flaska mjölk på trappsteget varje söndag.

hej alla fans!

some treasures from my dearly beloved room pt. 1

today's playlist
buckeye jim - Burl Ives
highspeed french train - Alexandre Desplat
the way I feel inside - The Zombies
sixteen going on seventeen - Julie Andrews, Charmain Carr.
highspeed french train - Alexandre Desplat
the way I feel inside - The Zombies
sixteen going on seventeen - Julie Andrews, Charmain Carr.
i wrapped my striped scarf around your neck and then we started to dance to that fine music
Är nyfiken på att få se Sonia Rykiels kollektion för H&M. Jag hoppas på randiga halsdukar och fina klänningar. Dock är de bilder som publicerats hittils inte riktigt Sonia- typiska.
Hm, vi får väl se hur detta blir.

Hm, vi får väl se hur detta blir.

"here's the thing. sometimes you live in a great big bubble, that's just the way it is."


den är skon skulle sitta fint på min runda fot!
today i'm happy, even though I'm ill, and my neck is twisted in a strange way..
..and that's because today I bought a lovely dress from Anna Sui today.
Ah, my sleepless nights are finally over.

Ah, my sleepless nights are finally over.

a quick lesson.
human share about 50% of DNA with bananas.
juliet was only thirteen years old when she met romeo. he was seventeen.
the beatles used the word "love" 613 times in their songs.
take a look at this..

Marc by Marc Jacobs.. once again..!
happy halloween -- my computer's been ill...